Real Protect

My lender or mortgage company has not paid my escrow premium…what now?

Category: Billing

We suggest that you reach out to your mortgage company as quickly as possible to make sure they’ve received our invoice and have what they need to pay the bill. Sometimes, there is something that needs to be corrected on our end, and sometimes there may not be an insurance escrow account set-up. Ultimately, you as the policyholder are responsible for making sure the premium is paid, but we at realprotect will do everything we can to help you and your mortgage company get the invoice remitted. Please understand that your lender may not provide realprotect details on your account as it relates to insurance payments, so you as the account holder will need to contact them.

As always, you can contact us, email us at or give us a call at 800-579-0652 if you need additional assistance.



